
Each member of the FER...

  • Is an experienced scholar at least 50 years old.

  • Has made substantial contributions to the scholarly area of finance and financial economics.

  • Is professionally active and has demonstrated a strong interest in public policy issues in their scholarly work.

Steering Committee

Arnoud Boot, University of Amsterdam

Kathleen Weiss Hanley*, Lehigh University

Kose John, New York University

Jan Pieter Krahnen, Goethe University Frankfurt

Frank Partnoy, University of California, Berkeley

Catherine Schrand*, University of Pennsylvania

Lemma W. Senbet, University of Maryland

Chester Spatt*, Carnegie Mellon University

*Executive Committee

Executive Director

Kathleen Weiss Hanley

(610) 758-3432

Lehigh University
Bethlehem, PA 18015



​Reena Aggarwal,  Georgetown University

Brad Barber, University of California, Davis

Arnoud Boot, University of Amsterdam

Jennifer Conrad, University of North Carolina

Larry Glosten, Columbia University

Itay Goldstein, University of Pennsylvania

John Graham, Duke University

Kathleen Weiss Hanley, Lehigh University

Larry Harris, University of Southern California

Richard J. Herring, University of Pennsylvania

Takeo Hoshi, University of Tokyo

Edith Hotchkiss, Boston College

Ravi Jagannathan, Northwestern University

Wei Jiang, Emory University

Kose John, New York University

Charles Kahn, University of Illinois

Jonathan Karpoff, University of Washington

April Klein, New York University

Jan Pieter Krahnen, Goethe University Frankfurt

Andrew “Pete” Kyle, University of Maryland

Marc Lipson, University of Virginia

Dennis E. Logue, Ledyard National Bank

Michelle Lowry, Drexel University

Robert McDonald, Northwestern University

Andrew Metrick, Yale University

Terry Odean, University of California, Berkeley

Christine Parlour, University of California, Berkeley

Frank Partnoy, University of California, Berkeley

Loriana Pelizzon, Goethe University Frankfurt

Stephen Penman, Columbia University

Mitchell Peterson, Northwestern University

Gordon Philips, Dartmouth College

Manju Puri, Duke University

Rafael Repullo, CEMFI

Anthony Santomero, University of Pennsylvania

Stephen Schaefer, London Business School

Catherine Schrand, University of Pennsylvania

Lemma W. Senbet, University of Maryland

Jeremy Siegel, University of Pennsylvania

Chester Spatt, Carnegie Mellon University

Matthew Spiegal, Yale University

Laura Starks, University of Texas

Jessica Wachter, University of Pennsylvania

Ingo Walter, New York University

James Wilcox, University of California, Berkeley

Bernard Yeung, National University of Singapore